ForestValue Research Programme Kick-Off Seminar

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Event start date
Helsinki, Finland

This public kick-off seminar of the 1st trans-national ForestValue Joint Call (17 projects selected) will bring together researchers and stakeholders from industry, academia and policy-making organisations in the forest-based sector. The call was launched in 2017 with support from the European Commission through the H2020 Framework Programme.

The objectives of the seminar will be to discuss the projects’ objectives, to facilitate information exchange and networking between the projects and their stakeholders, and to gain feedback and ideas for the further development of the ForestValue Research Programme.

ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, Ministry of the Environment, Academy of Finland and Business Finland as event organizers and hosts look forward to welcoming you in Finland.

EFI's Deputy Director Robert Mavsar is one of the speakers.