EEA Framework Contract - Framework Contract for Support on Agriculture and Forests: Lot 2 Forests

According to the European Environment Agency Strategy 2009 - 2010, the aim of the work in agriculture and forests was to provide integrated analyses of land use trends through assessments of their current and future impact on water, soils, air quality, biodiversity and landscapes. This helped to assess the impact of new societal demands, and demographic and technological trends on the natural environment, and to form a basis for policy evaluation and feedback into related sectoral and environmental policies. This Framework Contract for Support on Forests is an umbrella of short-term projects contributing to

• Integrating economic and biophysical models and data to assess the driving forces behind the environmental impacts of socio-economic trends;
• Extending sector-related indicator sets, spatial analyses and databases on farm practices and new land use trends;
• Undertaking assessments of critical issues, both within Europe and globally;
• Supporting the development of environmental and ecosystem accounts to provide and update inputs to the EEA information sources.

The following projects are on-going / have been completed:

1. European Forest Assessments (2011)
2. Review of Forest-related SEBI Indicators (2011)
3. Forest Multi-functionality in Western Balkan Region in Southeast Europe (2011)
4. Further development of the HNV forest area indicator  (2012)
5. Further development and refinement of the HNV forest area methodology and support to the finalisation of the Forest Report (2013)
6. European forest types and updating forest-related policies in current European policies, strategies and action plans (2014)
7. European Forests Assessments: Final development of the HNV forest area indicator and map for forest areas in Europe (2014)


EFI – European Forest Institute, international (Lead Partner)
AISF – Italian Academy of Forest Sciences, Italy
ECNC - European Centre for Nature Conservation, the Netherlands


EEA - European Environment Agency

Project management
marcus.lindner @
European Forest Institute
Project Schedule
Start Date
Project Status