MOTIVE - Models for Adaptive Forest Management

The aim of the MOTIVE project is to provide insights, data and tools to improve policymaking and adaptive forest resource management in the face of rapidly changing climatic and land-use conditions.

The development of adaptive forest management strategies under climate change is a key challenge in sustainable resource management in Europe, and also worldwide. Climate and land-use are key drivers of change in forest ecosystems. At the same time, societal demands for goods and services from forests are changing rapidly. The project aims at evaluating the consequences of these changes for a wide range of European forest types and under different intensities of forest management. MOTIVE seeked to develop and evaluate management strategies that are able to adapt forest management practices to changing environmental conditions. The integrated project had the following objectives:

  • To provide an integrated assessment of forest management strategies that simultaneously considers multiple ecosystem goods and services
  • To consider the influence of feedback loops from socio-economy and policy making on resource management, thus leading to tools for adaptive resource management
  • To provide a comparative assessment by using the same protocol across a wide range of climatic and socio-economic conditions by adopting a regional case study approach
  • To explicitly consider scientific uncertainties and uncertainties with respect to exogenous factors (climate, markets), so as to improve the robustness of the assessment tools in real-world decision making
  • Achieve synergetic use of all relevant sources of information (literature review, stakeholder consultation, meta analysis, own analysis)

EFI was a partner in this project and lead Work Package 7, Dissemination and Stakeholder Interactions. In addition, EFIMED conducted one regional case study in Spain as a contribution to Work Packages 3-5.

Some of the results of the project are available here.

More information at the project website: (last visited 24.7.2018)

Project management
marcus.lindner @
Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg (FVA)
Project Schedule
Start Date
End Date