Response factors: Background, practical implications and their use in ToSIA

Technical Report 82

Shane Porter, Katie Johnson, Katie Livesey, Katri Behm, Jobien Laurijssen, Arto Usenius, Jorma Froblom, Margareta Wihersaari, Pia Nilsson, Juulia Rouhiainen, Marian Babiak, Rudolph Kropil, Elisabeth Bergnor
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This report is a deliverable from the EU FP6 Integrated Project EFORWOOD – Tools for Sustainability Impact Assessment of the Forestry-Wood Chain. 

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Shane Porter, Katie Johnson, Katie Livesey, Katri Behm, Jobien Laurijssen, Arto Usenius, Jorma Froblom, Margareta Wihersaari, Pia Nilsson, Juulia Rouhiainen, Marian Babiak, Rudolph Kropil and Elisabeth Bergnor. 2011. Response factors: Background, practical implications and their use in ToSIA. EFI Technical Report 82. European Forest Institute.

Number of pages: 72